Saturday, February 15, 2014

Some of the Prophetic Words God Gave Me for 2014

Remember we prophesy in part : Today,  I awaken with a real burden from the Lord to share this today. I don't know why today, but I felt I should not leave the house until I  finished preparing this document. Please excuse grammatical errors or misspells. 

Prophetic Words for 2014

1.    This year is going to be a time when the Holy Spirit is going to re-center the church on the church that  Christ is building and the mission He gave it at His Ascension
a.   The gospels of Jesus Christ is going to come alive this year with a renewed focus upon on Jesus mission on earth and the assignment He gave the church at His ascension. There is going to be a special anointing on those who preach about Jesus and His ongoing ministry in the earth
b.   In fact, we are going to receive renewed revelation about using the name of Jesus for healing and miracles because certain apostles and inspired teachers are going to begin to preach and teach about being a people of “authority.” There have been many ministries centered on the power of Christ, but we are going to see many ministries come forth who are centered on the authority and power of Christ. Some miracles are going to take place as Jesus Christ name is mentioned in messages for the Holy Spirit is longing to glorify Christ; for many have departed from preaching Christ and Him crucified by preaching principles and sayings that are detached from the Person of Christ. The grandeur the Holy Spirit gives Christ and His Church is going to begin to be revived in this season.
c.   The finest of wheat ( Ps.81:6; 141:14)  is going to be released from heaven on the incarnation of Christ, New creation  revelations, the parables of the kingdom, the atonement of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood; the Great Commission and the power evangelistic ministry of Jesus Christ.  There’s going to be a marriage between
                                                    i.     The King and Kingdom of God message
                                                  ii.     The authority and the power of Jesus Christ
                                                iii.     Bridal theology and kingdom of God theology
                                               iv.     Signs and Wonders and walking in Holiness
                                                 v.     Atonement of Christ and living from the New Covenant
                                               vi.     Word of God and Power of God
                                              vii.     Spiritual Warfare and Evangelism
                                            viii.     Worshipping God and the Spirit of Prophecy
                                                ix.     The mission of the  Ekklesia and the 7 mountains
d.   This year the Father  is drawing many of His sheep who have forsaken, Him  as their first love into primary- focused intimacy with Christ Jesus.( Rev. 2:4-5) He will become the splendor of our heart. Many “ Marthas who  are ridden with burnout and exhaustion are going to experience fresh fillings of the Holy Spirit as they sit and soak at the feet of Jesus. (Luke 10:40)  Some are going to experience what many of the “ father’s from the past experienced “ ecstasies’ and raptures of His incomprehensible love as they drink from His pleasure forevermore in His presence. ( Psalms 16:11)
e.   The fivefold ministries will be seen as the equipping ministries of Jesus Christ because these ministries proceed directly out of the ministry of Christ. Those who flow with  fresh oil´ (Ps.92:10) in these ministries will move with a conscious awareness that Christ is actively manifesting His diverse fivefold ministry through them because these ministries in their purest form proceed out of What He is in Himself. ( Eph. 4:11)
f.      Self- idolatry  and the pursuit of making a name for themselves has been the enemies hook to neutralize the effectiveness of major leaders that led the dawning of the kingdom of God message. For the Lord had given them a measure of his majesty, such as He gave King David.   A City could be called the “City of David” without David seeking to make His name great because King David’s heart was to make His praise glorious in the earth. Even now there is a vacancy of authority that has not been occupied in the DeKalb region, but as God saw David as a king while Saul was ruling, there is s company arising by the Holy Spirit that shall occupy that seat and be given sevenfold more authority than their predecessors, for they shall move with Jehu’s anointing and defeat the Jezebalian powers that have ruled the atmosphere in that region. In the day of that triumph the decay of DeKalb and Decatur shall cease and a new world wide influence shall emanate from that region in the business arena. Embedded in the DNA of DeKalb County there is a grace for prosperity, but it shall not  resurge until the King of the Kingdom of God is enthroned in the hearts of many united believers desiring to rebuild the education and family arenas with kingdom values.
2.    The “orphan spirit” shall begin to loosen its grip on Metro Atlanta in the next three years because the Father Himself shall begin to raise up three distinct African Americans from this region who will be “Trumpets of the Father’s Love” with unusual signs and wonder. They will preach and teach with such clarity and compassion, that young men especially and families are going to experience radical deliverances as the “orphan spirit” is broken off of this region. The key to breaking this layer of demonic entrenchment will be the apostolic voices, whom themselves have experienced healing encounters with God in their own lives.  This message is coming to Atlanta with authenticity and power.  Music is going to mediate the Father’s love throughout the country, but this music shall flow out of this city in the domains of this country. The message of the Father’s love will thunder from this region in word, in power and in music. The next men’s movement in Atlanta will flow out of the revelation of the Father’s love. As this is occurring:
3.    This year we will begin to see evidence of “baptism of fire “coming upon certain  individuals. They will carry the fire and give it away to others. More revelation regarding the “baptism of fire” is going to come out of the Hispanic community and engulf this nation. The Hispanic community will be among the key players in this upcoming moving of the Holy Spirit throughout the US.
4.     As we prophesied last year that there was coming a harvest of a billion youth from around the world, it has already started in certain places around the world but we will see this begin to take off this year in the United States. Since the word of God cannot be bound, we are going to see the word of God in high schools and middle schools students will be missionaries to their schools. Once it starts, this oil will continue to flow until there meetings in stadiums filled with these students. As the Holy Spirit begins to move in the high school; the river of God is going to break forth in colleges. When floods begin to occur  in the “ States” beyond  the norm in natural, get ready for harvest-rain is going to fall in colleges and universities. This will begin this year and escalate in the upcoming years as the prayer and intercession increase city-wide.
5.    Two years ago I looked up in the heavens and saw large machinery over Atlanta that look like large turbines and the angels kept flipping the switch, but there was no power. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that the level of intercession was not large enough to turn the generators of power over this region. Later, I read something similar in Prophet Hamons book on praying in the Spirit. But this was the revelation the Lord gave me for this city.  There must be much more intercession over this region for the revival that was spoken to come. Even this year, you will begin to see momentum in manifestations of the Holy Spirit, but is not enough for what I want to bring to the metropolis of Atlanta. I have been knocking on the door of the hearts of my leaders in this city to bring their churches in alignment with a new thrust of intercession. Many of my servants in this city do not pray, but depend on the messages of others for the sermons they preach in the pulpit. Come unto me  and I will give you the finest of wheat to minister to your people. I have called many of my servants in this city to return to early Morning Prayer in their own prayer closet. I have called many to pray, but few have responded.  As you answer the call to pray, I will lead you to mobilize your church to pray and then I  will mobilize you to gather with other churches and intercede. Take note of what I am doing in South Korea, Argentina, the underground church in China, in the Philippine Islands and even in certain locations in Africa, it happening because they answered My call to partner with Me intercession. Now once again the winds of intercession and worship shall begin to stir in this region for I desire to do a great work in this region. I desire to tear open the heaven over this region and visit this region in revival and reformation for 12 consecutive years without ceasing, but I must have a people who will corporate with me in intercession. I must have leaders whose hearts are large enough to wrap their arms around this region. There are five key apostolic and prophetic generals who will possess great authority in mobilizing this region in intercession. I will unveiled them, for they themselves do not know that I have called them for such things as this.
6.    In Dec. the Lord spoke to me that one of the keys to revival/reformation  in this region are the keys to the Argentine Revival and the major healing evangelists that were used to release his power around the world in the 1900’s. Even now I see “ Argentine Revival” in lights. There is something about that revival we must learn.
7.    Word of Wisdom/ the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding are the key  gifts that  we must pursue with all of our heart for the next three years. As my people pursue my wisdom, I will grant creative dreams that will turn some into billionaires and some into millionaires so that what I am doing in the earth in My church may come fort. I am going to use some to eliminate poverty in key cities through the resources and finances I give you. I desire to confound this world through the display of my wisdom in my sons and daughters of the kingdom. I will speak with you as you rise out of your sleep with solutions to problems your company and factories have wrestle with for years. In Christ Jesus are hidden all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge and if you cry out to me, I will reveal to you the treasures that are hidden in darkness, ( Isa.45)I will unveil mysteries in the medical and science field among my people. Cry out to Me for wisdom and if you behave yourself wisely I will grant you promotions through the motion of My wisdom in your heart. I will give my writers, who are My pens in the earth plays, screen plays, novels and poetry in dreams and vision and through ideas I plant in your heart. I desire to distinguish My Kingdom through My Church. Pray much in the spirit and ask me, seek after me and knock with faith until My wisdom come. I will move in such a way among those whom I can trust with this type of promotion in the entertainment mountain, that will cause secular movie moguls to sit in My House and glean from the wisdom I place in My servants Hearts. I have tested many in the past with this level of authority and  like Demas, they loved the world and departed from Me. I am looking for a people who do love not the world ( lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life) so that I can give entrust them with the world and its resources to  further my kingdom in the earth.
8.    There is  going to be a graduation in prophetic ministry because many nabi- prophets are going to become nabi-seer prophets. I shall promote those who have stood in the counsel of the Lord. I am going to promote those who have allowed me to circumcise their heart for the last 25 years. Seek my face with all of your hearts and I will be found of you. There are prophets whom I have gifted to minister worldwide, but they no longer seek me, their gift work, but My presence has departed from them. Be discerning as you partner in alliance with certain prophetic companies. I have been in the process  training under the skillful hands of Bishop Johnson through the anvil of servant-hood and wilderness for more than 30 years. Many prophetic gifts have never been trained, thus they bring much pain to God’s sheep. Don’t skip your training.
9.    Nations and States
a.   Years ago while I was in Bogotá the Lord showed me a great earthquake in South America. During the vision I literally saw and felt the earth move. I was shaken by what  experience. When we left Columbia, I later saw on news a great earthquake occurred in Lima.  In December, I saw earthquakes in several places in the US, but there was  one that I saw that strongly affected me-  that one mostly in the middle of the US, a little more on the East.  It was so large, that it was felt throughout the nation even into Canada. Since then I have been in intercession for it not to occur because there was much devastation.
b.   China- the underground church is going to be granted more freedom because they are going to see a correlation between the success of the church and the success of their nation. I did see signs in the heavens, in weather and in the earth that speaks prophetically of change in that nation.  Stories about the church in China will soon begin to circulate on a larger scale and bless the world
c.   Europe- I saw the Lord place his hands on young spiritual revolutionist that will trumpet the word of God. Canada and London will send apostolic and prophetic voices that will pave the way for the move of God that will break forth in certain places in Europe. Sweden will become an apostolic center that will send out many apostolic- pastor into Europe. A female evangelistic- prophetic minister shall come forth out of Europe, and great will be the company that publish her works. 
d.   The place known as the “ seat of Satan” will give birth to a leader that will bring much trouble in the earth in years to come..
e.   Russia- the youth in Russia will trigger many positive changes and negative changes. There is great war in the heavenlies regarding this country.
f.      Africa- great revelation regarding the kingdom of God is going to release in certain nations in Africa. Reformation shall begin to accelerate in this region because Ethiopia shall once again lift her hands in praise unto the Lord. There are key resources in Africa that God has hidden for a strategic purpose and strategic time.
g.   The Philippine Islands is on the crest of one of the most incredible revivals ever. I saw the Philippine Islands sending out envoys to Singapore, Japan, Indonesia and several other countries in that triangle. I saw a “ hideous spirit chained up in the bowls of the center of the Pacific near Asia” being released , but quickly chained because of the prayers of the saints. Once again, signs and wonders shall sweep the Phillipine Islands, especially among the youth. A new industry or company shall begin to come forth in these islands that will employ many. Revival will pave the way for positive economic change.
h.    I saw Australia becoming a key resource center for the body of Christ world-wide.  But I hear the Lord calling a “ prayer mountain” that prays 24-7 in Australia that will be operated by the involvement of 100,000 +people. If this occurs the heinous plans of the enemy regarding Australia will be aborted. The land will blossom with anointed and unprecedented prosperity, if my people will pray. I am calling you to going the  Phillipines in prayer.
i.       From the “DMV” of the United States I saw the Lord raising up educational reformers that will bring major change to education as we know it in the US
j.       Now is the season to pray for the next President and the one after that one. A new movement of non-party line intercession for the government is going to come forth because a dark season is coming when everyone who knows the name of Jesus must pray because of what will be at stake. In a day, everything shall change as we know it. There are three major hidden demonic conspiracies targeting the United States: 1) to plant seeds of division that could trigger a civil war within this nation in 20 or more years 2) rewrite the constitution so that a new satanic throne can be erected in this nation, that would make worshipping Jesus Christ illegal 3) deceiving the minds of the youth and young adults. There are
k.    Pray for the protection of the food supply and water supply of the US. Pray for the gas lines and power grids. Pray that God would uncover all terroristic plots against the US and it borders.
10.                    I heard the Holy Spirit speak that He was converging all the movements of His Church in this hour upon the harvest of lost souls and backsliders  who are   building material from the seven mountains  that He will  use to extend the Kingdom of God. True apostolic centers need fresh building material “ souls” to train so that it continues to reproduce ministry that infiltrates the seven domains of our society until the earth is covered with the knowledge of God’s glory. True apostolic power grids have wineskins that can hold the harvest, train the harvest and release the harvest so that it multiplies until the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our Lord.

     The Lord started seeding my heart with these words during the summer of 2013. Every year for the last three years I’ve been lead to give prophetic words for the upcoming year at Church Without Limits in Toronto Canada. If you would like these recordings and the one what was given  on the evening of January 19th, please contact Toronto City Church, now pastored by Lead Pastor Brendon Witton.

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