Monday, December 30, 2013

An Article on Why Words Matter Pertaining to the Proper Way to Address Both Genders with " One Word" in Publications

A Personal Story About Why Words Matter

Words matter. Words have meanings. In fact, I have often reminded people that before you can change a society, you must first change the language. This means two things. First,  we must fight for time-tested Biblical language in our daily speaking and writing. Second, we  must recognize the force of words being hard-pressed on society by modern and post-modern culture  and stand against this onslaught. Scott Allen has written on this here.
When the United States was founded, lexicographer Noah Webster produced theAmerican Dictionary of the English LanguageWebster understood that a nation was shaped by its language and that a new nation needed to define itself. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary was consciously developed from the framework of a Biblical worldview and the principles of belief of the founding fathers who were, for the most part, confessing Christians. Webster’s definitions were contemporary with the nation’s founding documents: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
A lesson about the use of words from writing Nurturing the Nations
While I know these things, unfortunately, I do not always act with wisdom. I do not consistently apply what I understand.  I recently learned a new insight from a professional wordsmith about the meanings of words: words have historic meaning that transcends cultures.
My book, Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women to Build Healthy Cultures, was published in 2008. In this book I used “human beings” or “humankind” in place of “man.” I also alternated between the adjectives  “female” and “male” when writing about people in general. I have since come to rethink these vocabulary choices.
During a later book project (Emancipating the World: A Christian Response to Radical Islam and Fundamentalist Atheism) I consulted Dr. Timothy Friberg. Timothy and his wife, Barbara, are linguists and Bible translators living and working in Southeast Asia. They are founders and managers of the Analytical Greek New Testament project, an electronic tool to aid students, pastors, and translators in their interaction with the original Koine Greek text. I asked for, and received, Timothy’s input about a Greek phrase from Matthew 28:18-20. To thank Tim for his counsel, I sent him a copy of Emancipating when it was published.
After reading the book, Dr.  Friberg wrote a friendly critique on some of the pronouns I used: “I would like to comment on your vocabulary choices as forced on you by political correctness and women’s liberationists.” Friberg pointed to three related instances where I had illustrated this tendency.
Sometimes into your text you insert a wholly unexpected “she,” deferring to the pleasure of those that decry the standard generic pronoun in English for one of its less controversial substitutes. The problem with “she” is twofold.  … generic means generic and “she” is specific for feminine in English at this stage of its development. There are quite a few strategies for expressing generic identity found among the world’s 6000 plus languages, but never among them is the feminine pronoun used, as far as I know. That says something significant about the psychology of communication. Whereas I am far more egalitarian than complementarian, I defer to the inventory of possibilities for generic referent expression and eschew “she.”
I had chosen to use the feminine pronoun to avoid raising red flags with readers who might take exception to masculine language. This decision was made as a layman, and I was very interested to read the critique of a linguist. But I realized how clearly Friberg had spoken the truth when he said that my choices were “forced on me by political correctness and women’s liberationists.” I had to admit that if I had been writing thirty or forty years earlier, this dilemma would never have emerged.
Dr. Friberg convinced me that it is mistaken to substitute a specific (feminine) pronoun for the universally generic (masculine) “he.” From there he continued.
Sometimes in your text you say “he or she” or again “his or her.” That is clearly an effort to please all parties. But it breaks a cognitive rule that impedes communication. In particular, these “choice phrases” are normally used following a “somebody,” “anyone,” “everyone,” “nobody,” or “a certain individual” (or its many possible equivalents), but these latter are incontrovertibly referring in context to a single unique individual (whether his identity is known or only hypothesized or denied or whatever). So when a single person has been introduced and then you present your reader with a choice, you are introducing cognitive dissonance into the communication. The effect of that is actually to slow the reader down on a point of communication that should be fully automatic. You do your communication purpose a disservice by so doing.
Once again, his point was compelling. If I want to write clearly, I cannot use a singular term (someone, anyone, et al) with a plural phrase (“he or she”). From there he went on.
Most frequently you have a sentence structure of the type “somebody lost their way.” The plural pronoun is the most viable candidate for the generic pronoun if “he” is ever to be dethroned. Interestingly, there is at least a two-hundred year history of “they” trying to unseat “he” as the generic singular pronoun in English. That “he” is never really displaced (language is always in flux and “he” is as likely to change as anything else) probably means that “they” is perceived as inadequate, at least in thoughtful writings (and speech). Incidentally, over the decades I have trained myself to say “he” as generic and thus to carry on a solid history.
Clearly if you have to abandon “he,” “they” is the most viable candidate. However, I would argue that for believers communication is too precious a commodity to use anything but what is unambiguously what it claims to be. My informal surveys over the past decades seem to indicate that no one except card-carrying feminists is offended by its use. And more important, people understand “he” to be the generic singular as well as “masculine singular.” It seems that the most derogatory evaluations of steadfast users of “he” as generic singular is that they are bookish, scholarly, or intent on saying what they mean.
I responded to Tim, expressing my thanks for writing so clearly. I added that
I am an unapologetic complementarian and yet have bent over backwards to communicate and not burn bridges unnecessarily.  I struggled over the use of language as I wrote Nurturing the Nations.  I wish I could have had this discussion ten years ago; it would have been invaluable. …
On a similar level would you use the word “man” to refer to all human beings;  or would you use “humankind “ or “human beings?” In the modern world, I have tried to train myself to use humankind or human being. But even these expressions cannot get away from human. I have never been completely happy, nor, I am afraid, consistent.
Dr. Friberg responded:
Yes, I would use Man as generic of all human beings, though that one specific usage has virtually been pushed off stage. That is, “Man has made a mess of taking dominion over the world.” So even I might say, “Humans have failed the trusteeship given them by God–from the word go.” Personally, I would never say “humankind” for that is an artificial hybrid meant to sound inclusive. “Mankind” is fully adequate for me. But then I purposely withstand political correctness, especially in language. For me, postman and spokesman, as well as seamstress, adulteress and actress are fully functional words in my language.
Note the irony of an egalitarian challenging a complementarian to use “man” as inclusive for both sexes!
It is a reminder that I need to be objective in my use of language and not seek to be politically correct. Too often we who follow Christ have ceded the language (consider “gay” or “quality of life”), but God is the first communicator, the speaker. Christ is the Word.
Words matter.
Darrow Miller 08 21 09 051 (2)-          Darrow Miller

Monday, December 16, 2013

Prophetic Dream \ Vision Activation Seminar

If you are interested or involved in prophetic ministry on any level this seminar is designed with you in mind. For the last year the Lord has been dealing with me regarding conducting a prophetic seminar. Yet, I kept putting if off to another time. I knew in my heart that it needed to happen prior to 2014.  I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to gear this seminar in the following areas:

1. Equip emerging prophetic gifts, intercessors, prophetic- seer gifts with the emphasis the Lord wants to make in 2014

2. Equip entrepreneurs, song writers, inventors regarding a particular spiritual gift that God will highlight in 2014. How to develop and nurture this crucial spiritual gift.

3. Provide insights regarding key disciplines that the Holy Spirits wants to emphasize in prophetic gifts in 2014

4. The Holy Spirit desires to break many of his servants from " holding patterns" in their development. These are areas that many leaders do not want to talk about. Some are in holding patterns because of God's sovereignty and wisdom. Some are in " holding patterns" because of other reasons that will be shared in this seminar.

5. Profound revelations, strategic keys for territorial conquering, etc are going to escalate in 2014. However, there is a vital need to grow in discernment and operate in " the gift of discerning of spirits". All dreams and visions are not from the Lord.  In God's wisdom, some believers  have not been released in their ministry or promoted in their business because there are certain seeds in their hearts that must be dwelt with before they are released in the convergence level of their ministry or business. In fact, some leaders have received defilement via dreams and visions that have brought havoc in their ministry and family.

6. A significant portion of this seminar will be devoted to prophetic development in dreams and visions.

7  We are going to share prophetic insights regarding Atlanta, Georgia and the United States that will help you start the year off right

We are going to provide some personal ministry at this seminar as the Holy Spirit leads.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Word of the Lord For Intercessors

An Invitation to Intercession
God is stirring His people to pray. God is raising up houses of prayer, prayer movements, and ministries who realize the great need for prayer and for having foundations of intercession firmly established before ministry takes place.
People are bowing their knee in reverence to our Holy God, believing that He gives more when we simply ask. God set it up that way – that we would be co-laborers with Him, joining Jesus the Great Intercessor. We are simply to ask – knowing that God is listening and answering our simple prayers (Isaiah 64:4).
The revivalists of old were men and women given to prayer. Before a Word was preached, the Heavens were stormed with prayers and petitions asking God to come, to act, and to move. We are now entering a new era – for never before in history has God moved on the hearts of people worldwide with such an invitation to intercession.
Across the nations of the earth, men and women, young and old, are giving their lives as a fragrance before the Lord in day and night prayer. Houses of prayer, prayer movements, and praying churches are arising worldwide with the revelation that God moves when His people simply ask.
A Great Greater Awakening
I heard a fresh cry exploding out of Heaven – an invitation for the nations to become part of the prayer movement that is blowing across the face of the earth like an unstoppable wave leading to a Great Greater Awakening.
I was told in the dream to study and look back to the 1700s and the first Great Awakening – for this is our story. We are invited to say "yes" to prayer – we are invited to all become part of the story.
I saw that many intercessors have grown weary and have become dull; therefore help from Heaven was sent to strengthen the heart of the intercessors, the prayer movements, and the houses of prayer that a glorious people would arise in unending prayers.
We are in a Revelation 3:1-2 time frame, "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain..."
God is inviting us to join His Son, the Great Intercessor, in prayer to birth His purposes on the earth. He is inviting us to be a part of the storyline of the ages. We are to be vigilant, to keep careful watch over His promises and purposes through intercession, to set our hearts towards Him, and to turn resolutely in the direction of agreement with His Heart for these days.
I Had An Impacting Dream
I was in a deep sleep and the dream started with the President of our Bible College singing an old hymn called, "I love to Tell the Story." His voice was like a mega phone awakening my heart to the old, old story. I had not heard this hymn in years since singing it as a young girl in the Methodist Church. He was wearing a blue suit and holding an old hymnal. His voice was loud. His voice was strong. He never stopped singing this old hymn throughout the entire dream.
As he was singing, these words and this melody awakened my heart all throughout the dream. It was as if the hymn was the backdrop to the entire dream.
ambulancesSuddenly, I stepped into a scene where I saw seven ambulances all in a row with their lights flashing. They were lined up one in back of the other. There was great alarm in my spirit when my eyes beheld such a scene.(Photo courtesy: ABC News)
I noticed there were people on the sidewalk who were not that interested in the ambulances. Everyone was continuing to have their coffee and were talking – they were not looking at what was happening. People were just doing their thing and not bothered by the alarm that I felt in my body by the flashing lights. It was as if they did not even notice they were there. They were laughing and talking and having coffee, going about their day-to-day schedules.
Still the Song Was Arising
I love to tell the story. 'Twill be my theme in glory. To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
I went and looked in the first ambulance and heard the attendant say, "I cannot find a heartbeat" and I saw someone lying still on a gurney. I saw tiny, thin, and feeble legs. The attendant looked at me and said, "It's the intercessors. We are trying to revive the intercessors."
I looked in again and it was as if the eyes of my heart were opened and I could see on the inside, and their hearts were failing. For the promises of Revival were so long in coming, it was as if the promises became too long to wait for and they were giving up and their hearts were failing. So I ran to the next ambulance and the same thing was happening. I looked in and the attendant said, "I cannot find a heartbeat."
As I peered into the ambulance I noticed that these attendants were not mere human beings; they were heavenly beings sent from the Throne of God. They were tall, they were large, they were glowing as if lit from the inside with fire. Could these be the messengers of fire we find in Psalm 104:4? It gave my heart great hope to know that God has sent His angelic help to restart the hearts of the weary, the tired, the hopeless, and the feebleThese were the intercessors who have fallen asleep, those who have stopped contending because it became too long to contend.
Suddenly, one of the attendants from the seventh ambulance at the end yelled, "I have a faint heartbeat, but it's dull." With those words, all the attendants leaned out of the back doors of the ambulances and they all shouted, "What did you do?"
The attendant in the last ambulance said, "Tell the old, old stories. For, as I began to tell the old, old stories, I found a faint heartbeat." So the attendants of the other ambulances began to tell the old, old stories, and I began to listen to these stories.
Tell the Old Stories!
These stories went back to the 1700s. They began to talk about Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, John Wesley, George Whitfield, and Charles Spurgeon, and many others.
Suddenly the atmosphere was filled with shouts of, "I found a heartbeat, but it is dull." I ran to another ambulance looked in, and this time I saw a faint movement. Suddenly, this Heavenly attendant gave an order, like a command, saying:
"Tell the old, old stories because the old, old stories are YOUR storyline, they are YOUR history, back as far as Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, John Wesley, George Whitfield, Charles Spurgeon...
...For the baton was passed from generation to generationThe prayer movements of this day are the answer to the prayers of those in the great storyline of the ages. There is a timeline of Prayer Generals from generations past and their prayer was that the Generals of prayer in 'these' days would arise; the prayer movement of 'these' days is the answer to their cries.
"You are in the storyline of the old, old story for their prayers begat your prayer. Put yourself in the timeline of the old, old story because the old, old, story – when told – will ignite the heart again.
Though it will start as a dull beat, when EACH person will see themselves in the timeline of the old, old story, that dull heartbeat will begin to get stronger and stronger. For these are your ancestors – the prayer warriors of the ancient days – who lifted their cry for 'this day and this hour' that a people of prayer would arise in the earth to welcome back the King of kings."
Renewal in itself will not awaken dull hearts. But if you see yourself in the old, old story – the more you listen and put yourself in the history of the great storyline of prayer and revival – you will see yourself as THE ANSWER.
You are the continuation of their prayers. For the intercessors God is raising up today – the prayer movements in the earth today – are the answer to the prayers lifted up generations and generations ago taking us into the greatest awakening – the Great Greater Awakening.
These are Your ancestors. YOU become the story, the plan, the answer, the Revival for today – then you will never go back to dull hearts.
And the Attendant Spoke Again
"Tell the old, old stories. Remember the old, old stories and see yourself in the storyline of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, John Wesley, George Whitfield, and Charles Spurgeon, and many others who were great men and women of prayer – Charles Finney, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Smith Wigglesworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman..."
You are IN their story. Their History is YOUR history, for you are the answer to their prayers: for a glorious and praying people, a shining and praying Bride, would arise in the earth who love prayer; and this cry of prayer will birth the Great Greater Awakening to welcome Him back.
I love to tell the storyI Could Still Hear the Song Being Sung:
I love to tell the story
'Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love
It was almost as if I could hear prayers that were prayed centuries back – crying out for those who would take the baton to begin to cry out again until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You are a part of the story. We are a part of the story. It's almost as it we are the answer to the cries of prayer throughout the ages. (Photo courtesy:
Cries that said, "Let a people who love prayer welcome Him back." Let a praying people lift their voice for revival – let a billion souls come into the Kingdom.
This is our story. This is our history. This is our season to take up the baton and pray, and then, watch revival spring upWe are in their storyline and they are in ours.
Aimee Semple McPherson's life was marked by unprecedented boldness that said, "Let's not waste our time quarreling over methods and doctrines.". She accomplished what no man had been able to do and build a temple that seated 5,000 people and filled it four times on Sundays and twice weekly. This temple became the envy of Hollywood theater owners. She also ministered at highly sought-after healing services. She reached the unreachable and opened doors for Christ through which no man had gone before through the media. It is interesting to note that in the same year Aimee was launching her radio station, Kathryn Kuhlman was just beginning to preach as a teenager, and Maria Woodworth-Etter had just breathed her last breath at 80 years of age.
This is our story. This is our history and the joy of the journey ahead through prayer; and we put ourselves in the great storyline of the ages to welcome the Great Greater Awakening and to welcome Jesus the Coming King.
I Love To Tell The Story
Text: Katherine Hankey, 1834–1911
Music: William G. Fischer, 1835–1912
I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story, because I know 'tis true;
It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.
I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story; more wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams.
I love to tell the story, it did so much for me;
And that is just the reason I tell it now to thee.
I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story; 'tis pleasant to repeat
What seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet.
I love to tell the story, for some have never heard
The message of salvation from God's own holy Word.
I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story, for those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest.
And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song,
'Twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.
That was my dream...
Julie Meyer

Monday, September 2, 2013

Specific Word for the Southeast

The Lord is about the break the hindrance to praise and worship in the southeast, especially in Florida and Georgia. There has been a governing apostolic mantle over Florida and Georgia in the arena of praise and worship for many years. Because of the lack of spiritual discernment and proper government certain principalities and powers have hindered the maturation of this mantle. I saw the Lord releasing  a new  mantle of creativity upon key churches, key pastors , key worship leaders. These people will flow in various genres of music, but the healing anointing, prophetic anointing will flow through their music. I hear the Lord saying, I will fill the air ways with this new sound. I will grant platforms to men and women whom I can trust to make My praise glorious in the earth. I will cause My church to sing, what is being song in heaven and mighty releases of my presence will break forth. Yes a new sound shall flow through My church in this region. Many of these voices and teams will win hundreds and thousands into my kingdom. They will not be married to the systems of this world, nor will they seek a name for themselves, but they shall make My praise glorious in the earth. They will be jealous for My name and My kingdom. New Builders are coming , the builders are coming, apostolic builders who will build in the center of their infrastructure 24 hour prayer and praise before Me. Some will start with an hour block and move to 3 hour blocks and move to 6 hour blocks and move to 12 blocks and eventually 24 hour praise, worship and intercession according to the grace I release in them. The face of My face of My church will change in the Southeast. I will erase the racial bigotry that his separated My church. I will do it among the young. It's already happening. As racial bigotry is eradicated out of My house, the natural weather patterns will normalize and you will see productive crops and resources

Men and women carrying the gates of certain cities

Two weeks ago, while I sat waiting, the Lord carried me into  a brief vision  I saw the Lord raising up men and women who like Samson, who were  tearing down the gates of certain cities and carrying the gates on their shoulders. I saw men and women carry immensely heavy city gates on their shoulders. It freaked me out because I thought that God was anointing people with the strength of Samson. But as I sat still, I heard the Lord say, there are men and women of great renowned who are being prepared to be vessels that bring the release of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to certain cities. Some have gone through great hardship and about to give up on their calling because things have gone completely opposite of what the Lord showed them in " visionary encounters with Him many years ago." But these men and women are being groomed by the Holy Spirit to bring an outpouring of extraordinary signs and wonders and some of them will preach with an unction that will cause people to topple over in great conviction for their sins. Some will preach in the streets but crowds will gather around them because of the power of the Holy Spirit. This will only be the beginning, because equipping power evangelists  will release this anointing to every willing vessel in the Body of Christ who desire to be used by the Lord. No longer will be there be a few moving in the power of the Holy Spirit. When these men and women who possess an anointing to  bring breakthrough into cities begin to emerge, there passion will not be to make a name for themselves, but to preach Jesus Christ and His kingdom. Jesus will be the center of their message. This move of God will reintroduce Jesus as being the Head of the Church. The gospels will be preached and great revelation will flow from the synoptic gospels about Jesus Christ  and His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit will converge everywhere Jesus is glorified because the message of the Kingdom of God will be united to the proclamation of  Jesus Christ. Men and women shall arise who will carry the city-gates upon their shoulders. 

Prophetic insight regarding our nation 30-40 years from now

I heard the Lord say, your nation is very young and many changes are being orchestrated beneath the surface, hidden from the eyes of most people While praying, I saw a time in our future where division will be so great in our government that I saw our nation being divided into the three nations. In fact, the seeds for the this level of national division are incubating. Some will see this division as a move for economic recovery, but something sinister is at work. Then I heard the Lord say, that if the church in America begin to seriously intercede for this nation according to His word, there will be divine intervention will either delay or abort the strategic division of our nation.  Intercession by the church in many localities  has been fractured because of party-line allegiance being stronger that allegiance to God's vision for His kingdom in the United States. I saw several natural disasters that will move the church in America to pray : flooding, quakes, new fault lines rumbling, solar problems plaguing communications, even threats of higher than ususal tides from the ocean, wild animals attacks in " city zones,  etc. Somethings for our nation are being held in the balance ,but if the church would rise and pray according to the world of God, what the enemy has planned will turned around.  There are plenty positive things on the up rise for America, but the church must gather in this season to birth a move of God that will  release an unprecedented power evangelistic revival in more than 15 locations  that will fill auditoriums and possibly stadiums  and a new level of  holiness that will transform  the face of America. The winds will blow mightily in the coming months naturally, but the wind of the Holy Spirit will be felt in area where the church is praying corporately. A renewing of territorial spiritual warfare  by the church in certain areas under the auspices of the Holy Spirit will begin to stir in the fall months throughout 2014.  There is a blessing in reading the book of Acts at least 7 times in this season.

Prophetic Insight regarding Atlanta Georgia:

This summer while sitting before the Lord, while praying for the Atlanta the Lord drew me into a small vision. I saw a large ship sitting in the ocean, that was ready to go but there was no wind, there was no power to make it go forth. Then the Lord spoke to me about the church in this region needing to  contend  for power and a new level of sanctification. Many plans and programs have been formulated, but the Lord is requiring for the church in this region to begin to pray night and day for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. The ship will only move because of the wind of the Holy Spirit propelling its sails. A key for the east is a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. We have grown accustomed to little power manifesting. Our expectation for the power of the Holy Spirit has been snuffed out in many local churches. We have created a new theology to support the  normality for very little manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit among the lost. 

Some are apostolic , some are emerging apostolic gifts and some are authentic apostles

Bishop Johnson has just finished leading AMC through the book of Titus. I asked myself what distinguished Apostle Paul from many North American apostles. One thing that stuck out in my mind was that the Apostle Paul reproduced other apostolic gifts who did the same thing. In fact, he devoted at least three books in the New Testament as handbooks for reproducing apostles. I believe that God is transitioning apostolic ministry in North America to ministry that produces multiplying apostles who draw by the grace of God other five fold ministry to their hub for the expressed purpose of advancing the kingdom of God upon the earth. What are your thoughts on this?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prayers for people you desire to come to Christ, backsliders, new saved or people in PE or in Post E.

7Day -Prayers Points for the Lost; backsliders, people in PE and Post Encounter o

1.    Never give up for the Lost: 1 John 5:14-15; 1 Tim. 2:1-4; Luke 18:1; 2 Peter 3:9; Gal 6:9)
2.    Write a list of the people who fit in the aforementioned categories in your connection group or people in your generation in the right coloumn
3.    Pray these points everyday:
a.     Apply the seven bleeding places of Christ to your list of people
b.    I hold the blood of Jesus to all evil diversions in _____ life
c.     I hold the blood of Jesus against all evil spirits assigned to block or hinder their growth in Christ
d.    Keep ______ from the evil one (John 17:51)
e.     Lead ____ away from temptation, deliver____ from all forms of evil.
f.      Apply the blood of Jesus to every demon or strongman assigned to ___
g.    God would grant ____ the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Jesus  (Eph.1:17)
h.    Open up the eyes of _________ heart so that they may see Jesus as He is (Eph.1:18)
i.      Place a hedge of thorns around______ removing all people sent or used by the enemy to hinder or block their growth in Christ.
4.    Monday
a.     Holy Spirit convict ___ of sin (John 16:8)
b.    Lord create in _____ thirst for the things of God (john 4:10-13)
c.     Create in ____ a hunger for the Bread of Life  (John 6:35)
d.    Draw _____ to Christ (John 6:44)
e.     Make the words of Christ alive to ______ (John 6:63)
f.      Grant ____ the mind of Christ regarding every problem ___ are facing
5.     Tuesday
a.     Lord open a door for me to one verse 2 people who are ready to come to Christ
b.    Lord caused _____ heart to melt and be broken by the word of God (Jer.23: 29)
c.     Open ____ eyes to the Light that gives give life (2Cor.4: 4; John 8:12))
d.    Break the bondage of sin in _____ life (John 8:12)
e.     Grant _____ a heart that seeking after God (Rom.3: 10-11)
6.    Wednesday
a.     Ask God to draw ________ to Himself (John 12:32)
b.    Ask God to call _____ to Himself  (John 6:37)
c.     Word of God penetrate _______ heart (Heb 4:12)
d.    Open ___ eyes and heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ  (2 Cor.4: 4-6)
e.     Give ______ ears to hear the Word of God (Rev. 3:20)
f.      Swiftly remove every woman/ male agent sent by the enemy to hinder their walk with God or block their spiritual growth
7.    Thursday
a.     ________ comes the realization that they cannot run or hide from God (Psalm 139: 5-11)
b.    Lords as you revealed yourself to Paul in Damascus, reveal yourself to _____________ (Acts. 9:1)
c.     Make sin appear exceedingly sinful to ___ (Rom.7: 13)
d.    Deliver _____from the power of darkness (Col. 1:13)
e.     Grant _______ faith to believe in Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21)
f.      Let the heavens open over ____________
g.    Renew a right spirit in __________
8.    Friday
a.     Grant ________ the will to respond the message of Christ (Rom.10: 9)
b.    Give me an opportunity to invite_________ to connection/ church (Luke 14:23)
c.     Grant __________ an awareness of their need for Christ
d.    Every time ______ see or hear me they touch the favor of God around my life (Psalm 8:5)
e.     Cloth ______ with the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they experience the reality of the Lordship of Jesus in their hearts (Eph.1: 17)
9.    Saturday
a.     Lord Jesus seek out ________ and save _______ from their sins (Luke 19:10
b.    Father God, open _____ heart so that ______ will receive and believe the gospel (Acts 16:14)
c.     Holy Spirit, grant genuine repentance to __________ that will cause them to turn from their sin (Acts 11; 18)
d.    Father continually send people into _____ life to share the gospel (Rom.10: 14)
e.     Bind the spirit of pride and religion Loose: the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ into their heart
10. Sunday
a.     Apply the blood from Jesus crown to the pride that blinds them to their need for Jesus in their life
b.    Apply the blood from Jesus face for the healing of their self image
c.     Apply the blood from Jesus back for healing their body and destroying rebellion in their heart
d.    Apply the blood from Jesus skin to their will, making it positively responsive to Christ
e.     Apply the blood from Jesus hands for the removal of sin and guilt from their life
f.      Apply the blood from Jesus feet so that they become disciples of Christ
g.    Apply the blood from Jesus heart to their broken, betrayed or wounded heart (Lord heal their heart)
11. Prayer for Lost Sons and Daughters (Luke 15)
a.     Supernatural love – pray from a position of love, not judgment
b.    Pray that whatever or whosever your child has placed their trust in, outside of Jesus, would be removed from their lives. Pray that what once brought them pleasure would be empty.
c.     Pray that they would be constantly reminded of what it was like to be in fellowship with God
d.    Pray they come to their senses. Pray that they realize something is wrong. Pray that for his/ her eyes to be open to the truth of his situation and pray against any delusion the enemy would try to bring him/her
e.     Grant ______ the gift of repentance
f.      Pray for a revelation of the Father’s love for them.  At the point of their repentance ask God to pour out his blessings upon their life

Friday, March 22, 2013

Why Church Growth 3

  1. Rick Warren: Why believes in church growth?
    1. God word commands it- there are five Great Commissions given in the New Testament. However, Matthew 28: 19-20
                                               i.     We are to make them- that’s win them to Christ help them become converted
                                             ii.     Then baptize them- That’s mark them, help them become believers
                                            iii.     Mature them- teach them to obey everything I taught you
                                            iv.     Mark 16:15, Luke 24: 46-48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8 – in each Gospel and in the book of Acts Jesus commission his followers to go out and win them to Christ
                                             v.     The gospel is to be expanded in every increasing concentric circles- Jerusalem, Judea and then to Samaria and finally to the ends of the earth
                                            vi.     Begin at home base and expand to the world
                                          vii.     These verses imply that we are to help the church to grow, work for church growth and believe in it. In fact, I (RW) believe that the church that refuses to reach out to unbelievers is a disobedient church. It is sinning. To ignore these commandments is sin because Jesus said, “ If you love Me, keep My commandments”
    1. The needs of the people
                                               i.     People without Christ dies and goes to hell
                                             ii.     As long as there is one person in our city that’s headed for heal, then we must reach out
                                            iii.     We will never stop growing as there is one person who needs Christ
                                            iv.     A selfish church does not want to grow
                                             v.     The church that focuses on itself, rather than on the needs of those out in the world, has lost its purpose and has simply become a social club.
                                            vi.     Increase growth means more problems, bigger problems, inconveniences, more conflict, more expenses
                                          vii.     Peter Wagner said, “ if you are a pastor of a declining church, your job is getting easier and easier year after year
                                         viii.     The unselfish thing was the decision to grow. Love is the foundation for church growth (2 Cor. 5:14)
                                            ix.     The Lord is patient not wanting any one to perish but wanting everyone t come to repentance. (1 Peter 3:9) This one verse implies that numerical growth is God’s will.
                                              x.     A church must choose to grow nor not to grow
1.     Make it by the programs offered
2.     Make it by the time and energy invested in evangelism
3.     The make it by the size of the building they choose to build
4.     The priority outreach, the priority of evangelism is portrayed in Luke 15:4
    1. Jesus believed in church growth
                                               i.     Jesus said I will build my church.
1.     Building implies development, expansion or growth
                                             ii.     Jesus made statements implied expansion
1.     The meek shall inherit the earth
2.     You are the salt of the world and light of the world
3.     Many will come from the east and west  (Matt. 8:1)
4.     Wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her
5.     Jesus had a world vision, he intended for there to be disciples all over the world and expected that expansion to happen
                                            iii.     The parable of the Sower implies growth based on the capacity of the soil (heart) YC
                                            iv.     Luke 13- Parable of the Fig Tree
1.     Jesus points out that fig tree were designed to grow and bear fruit. Jesus demanded that it be cut down because it was simply taking up space
                                             v.     Parable of the Mustard- Jesus predicted the growth of this kingdom from a small beginning
                                            vi.     Parable of Yeast – predicts the expanding influence of His kingdom
                                          vii.     For the Son of man came to seek and save that which is lost-Luke 19:10 (Jesus Priority of evangelism)
                                         viii.     Mark 2 17- Jesus said I have come not to call the righteous – his goal was to those who did not know him
                                            ix.     The parable of the Banquet Luke 14
1.     How wide his invitation
2.     Jesus wanted a full house – God expects the church to grow
    1. The nature of the church implies growth
                                               i.     Under Christ control, the whole body is nourished and held together by its joints and ligaments and it grows, as God wants it to grow. (Col. 2:19)
1.     God wills for churches to grow
                                             ii.     It is normal for a church to grow, if a church is not growing we must ask ourselves is it because of sin, it dead; or an external growth restrictor
  1. New Testament demonstrates growth
    1. The very first church at Jerusalem is recorded in the book of Acts. So we see first the 120 in the Upper Room. Then the first day of the official church when the Spirit comes, 3000 people are added to the church
    2. After that, Daily the Lord added to that church
    3. Acts 4:4 – Many who heard the message believed and the number of men grew to about 5000, which means there were at least 5,000 to 10,000 females and 5-10,000 children.
    4. A number of Bible Scholars believe that by Acts 4; 4 the Jerusalem church had as many as 25,000 members
    5. Acts 5:14 – Nevertheless more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number
    6. You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching Acts 5:28
    7. Acts 6:1 The number of disciples were increasing
    8. Acts 6:7 The word of God spread and the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly and a large number priest became obedient to the faith
    9. Acts 21:20 “ many thousands” literally translated means “ tens of thousands”
    10. By the time Paul had arrived in Jerusalem in AD59 the church had grown so much that the number of believers can only be estimated in ten’s of thousands. G. Campbell Morgan estimated that the church had 60,000 members
  2. The fulfillment of Prophecy demands church growth
    1. Matthew 24:14 “ And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come