Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Intuitive Solutions: Self -awareness - Are you a genius in self- awaren...

Intuitive Solutions: Self -awareness - Are you a genius in self- awaren...: More people are being promoted because they are geniuses in the area of " emotional intelligence." Many times when the selection is down to ...

Self -awareness - Are you a genius in self- awareness.

More people are being promoted because they are geniuses in the area of " emotional intelligence." Many times when the selection is down to 2 to 5 people, the HR team will try to access the person who has the greatest EQ. The first level of EQ is self awareness. On-going self-assessment is one of the five major traits that progressive elitist leaders possess. In lieu of performance evaluations some companies are requiring their mid level and senior level executives to compose  their own custom guide for  their personal development each year. This assessment involves acquiring the opinions of your performance  from everyone you work with. Self assessment is the first stop in any personal improvement process, yet the hardest. Self assessment involves, feedback from others, personality assessment text, etc are viable ways to increase your self- awareness. It is human nature to shrink from having  others assess our development in team building, teamwork, listening, personal organization,  emotional maturity, rapport, communication and leadership development. Self awareness involves being meticulously  aware of ones relational strengths and ones' relational/communication blind-spots. Its been suggested by " Harvard Business Review Onpoint Winter 2011 that we do the following to increase our self-awareness: 1) Think seriously about your motives, beliefs, assumptions and actions on a daily basis 2) Ask for feedback from the people you work with- Resist the temptation to argue against criticism, and be careful not to let your assumptions about your capabilities color what you hear 3) Be brutally honest about your shortcomings 4) Highlight your contributions to the bottom line 5) Describe the areas in which you improved your capabilities  6) Avoid take more than your share of credit for a teams's success 7 Ask yourself these questions: " Am what I am doing working? How can I make it better? Am I realistic about my capabilities? Have I fallen into any unproductive habits? Is any behavioral  problem  such as a bad temper, undue optimism, disconnectedness,  emotional unavailability, disorganization, anxiety, procrastination getting in the way? Am I modeling the self- awareness that I expect of others? You can get more information about this  from  " Harvards Business Review ONPOINT Winter 2011 p. 8-10

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Winning connections evangelistic/ pastoral small groups

Get to know the minds of your unconnected sheep and determine ways to help  them get past their barriers. Suggestion build small groups like these:
Common culture- similar language or similar stage of life
Common city- people who live near each other
Common calendar- groups that meet on the weekend, during the day, early in the morning, etc
Common concern- groups built around certain family issues or social concerns in our community
Common crisis- health crisis, job crisis, financial crisis, etc
Common commitment- people who are commuted to a particular ministry or project

Friday, November 25, 2011

Church Growth and the Missing Factor

Dr. David Yonggi Cho has the largest church in the world. He said, No where in the world are there more people praying and fasting. I believe there is a correlation between the magnitude of prayer, continuous revival and church growth in South Korea. At the moment the church in South Korea has 875,000. At one time the church was growth so fast Dr. Cho had to plant 5000 people and pastor per Sunday because of the lack of space. Some have speculated if you add up  his church plants in South Korea  and his church , the number would exceed 3.5 million people. In His book, " Prayer: Key to the Revival" he said, " Our people have been taught  the central nature prayer so they pray over everything. They fervently pray for the church, the nation and the continuation of revival in Korea and throughout the world. They also, pray for potential new converts SO THAT THE CHURCH MAY CONTINUE TO GROW. We have learned that we are at war against Satan. Out battlefield is the hearts of all men and women. Our goal is that all may come to the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, we plan carefully; we have a strategy, we have a plan and we execute the plan like a well trained army. Yet, most importantly we bathe our plans in prayer so that God may breath His breath of life into our efforts and they will be fruitful. Cho, goes on to say, "  I have not followed a secret formula in the mighty church growth we are experiencing. What I have done is simply take the Word of God seriously. There is no question in my mind that what has done in Korea can also be duplicated in every part of the world. The Key is prayer"  What are you thoughts about Pastor Cho's statements regarding church growth and prayer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Read this Book ASAP

"Prayer : Key to Revival" by David Yonggi Cho

A Powerful Visitation of God is Coming to America - Urban Missionaries are coming to our cities

The Lord placed in my heart Zech. 10:1. Ask rain from the Lord at the time of the spring rain. The Lord who makes the storm clouds; And He will given showers of rain.

Beloved, it is time to ask God for the perpetual rain of the Holy Spirit to flood our land in North America. This visitation will be a terror to religious people  because the Holy Spirit is going to use
unconventional  methods to reach the lost.

During this move of God we will see  young people congregating on the streets and parks to hear the word of God in  rap, spoken word and moving word. Some rappers who are real evangelists are going to literally minister in the streets and the win thousands to the Christ. A nation will be born over night in cities through  this visitation of God.

A new breed of missionary called " urban missionary" will be sent by the Holy Spirit to high schools, colleges, poverty areas of cities to strategically win people to Christ . The new urban missionary will not only win many to Christ, but they will also disciple who they win. They will conserve the fruit of evangelism with new systems of discipleship. They will make sure the people they will to Christ, will not go MIA.

Are you a " urban missionary"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Brokenness before God and the anointing

A lack of brokenness causes a person who is used by God to become proud and arrogant. However, when a man is broken , his heart resist pride. Therefore, he can b used to a greater degree by God. Praylessness is a key sign of lack of brokenness before God. God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble. ( James 4:6) Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time ( 1 Peter 5:5-6) If we are broken and contrite before God, He gives us more and more grace. Success is based on the grace of God. How do we get more grace from God? We get it by being broken in humility before God. Grace grants us ultimate success. ( Psalms 31:12; Matt 21:42-44) Jesus actually commands us to " Fall on the rock and broken. The breaking is not to destroy us but to shape us into a form that can be properly used for the purposes of God. If we resist the purpose of God, the result is crushing, or being good for nothing in God's eternal purpose. WALKING IN BROKENNESS DOES NOT MEAN WALKING IN FAILUE OR POOR SELF IMAGE. What is humility?

Pastor David Yonggi Cho

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Season of Breakthrough while facing the brink of disaster

While I was Toronto, Oct 19-25  the Lord revealed to  me  that we are entering a seasons where earthquakes are going to escalate especially  in North America. I saw a major earthquake  rock a major portion of the United States. The approach of the glory of God is causing the elements to tremble. The extremes in weather patterns are going to become so plenteous  in the North America and around the world. The most bizarre weather patterns will occur in 2012. Yet in the midst of all the changes taking place a real visitation of God has already begun to invade the US and its intensity will increase. However the church in the US must intercede like never before. Prototypes of the intensity of intercession God wants to release in the US can be seen in Dr Cho's Prayer Mountain in Seuel Korea. The intercession from that church has fueled the move of God in China, Japan, Thailand, etc. God is going to begin promote certain prayer warriors who have been groomed in the furnace of affliction into high level apostolic leadership to engage the church into intercession and prophetic evangelism. They are coming out of Adulluam's cave to strategically lead the church into a warring mode. The Dawning of a new day is coming for certain cities in the US. Watch Detroit, flames of revival fire will come upon that city. God is going to raise up voices that bring healing to families and marriage. Many of theses voices are going to be given a national platform to share the " Father's heart about marriage and family. Witty inventions are going to come out of the Body of Christ. Host the presence of God in your local church. Host the presence of the Holy Spirit in your prayer life. Host the presence of God in your businesses. Make the Holy Spirit your senior partner in your businesses. Embracing the heart of Jesus in John 15 will lead to  fresh anointing  in our walks with God.  Revelations regarding joy-filled Holiness will impact churches that are hungry for the presence of God. A real liberty is coming for evangelism through friendship and the power of God. Hosting the presence of God in our personal lives will lead to miracles in the public venue through the hands of ordinary believers.  Pray for the borders of the United States. Pray Psalms 91 for the safety of our country.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Coming Seminars for Prophets, seers and watchmen

  1. Dreams and visions - Part 2
  2. Essential Disciplines of Prophets and Seers 
  3. Activating and Enhancing Prophetic Flow 
  4. Healing the Prophetic Heart ( Deliverance that liberates the prophetic gift )
  5. Applying Wisdom to Birth the prophetic word over your life
  6. Significance of prayer watches 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pray for the USA as we approach Sept

Intercessors, watchmen, seers and prophets: Sow intercession over the United States in August so that God's reigning protection will cover the United States during Sept and Oct. Churches in the United States must eliminate the sovereignty  of party preference in order to fully engage intercession for the the United States. Night and day intercession must begin to go forth for the United States. I believe pockets of revival are going to break out in certain areas in the US in the forth quarter of 2011. We must begin to apply the blood of Jesus to the land of the US.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keys to Unlimited Wealth -Part 2

I have taken many of my children to the door of great increase but once they experienced the first stages of great increase they turned from Me in their hearts while serving Me before many. They stole My Glory and became drunken with the pride of life while their eyes were swollen with lust. I delight in the prosperity of My people, but the prosperity of fools will be their demised. The sweet aroma of meekness and true humility upon my people will attract My Favor and My Majesty in their lives. I will visit you in the night seasons with witty inventions, new discoveries and new songs.

Primary Key to Unlimited Wealth

Just a copy of minutes ago, I was in the basement, quiet before God. The Holy Spirit said to me, it is true that the wealth of wicked will be transferred to the hands of His people. Then, He said, Whom can I trust in my Body with this type of wealth ? Then He said, " Can I trust you?" In my heart, I asked how can we determine if  He can trust us with unlimited financial increase. Then He said, " To the extent that you are dead to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life in your HEART, its to this extent that I can trust one with great wealth. Then He said, I have given many words to key individuals in the My Body regarding great wealth, but I have only found few that I can trust with this kind of increase. My eyes are going to and fro throughout the earth seeking men and women that I can demonstrate my greatness in unlimited financial increase. I will bring forth many men and women from the refining fire of my presence to steward  the wealth of the world, but they shall be dead to the world so that I can grant them the wealth of the world. Cleanse your heart, allow Me to cleanse your heart of all the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and the pride of life. Do not stop with the lust of the flesh but also allow Me to remove the lust of the eye and the pride of life, so that I can place a mantle of great financial increase, such as you have never seen before in My body. Even know I am inspecting hearts for their readiness for  great wealth. In the night seasons, I shall visit many key individuals with creative words of wisdom that when acted upon , will bring wealth into my church. Another financial shaken is coming...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Keys to Your Life

Some of the most important keys to your life are hidden in the dreams that are constantly repeated during your sleep. The dream and vision seminar can help you understand the repeated dreams in your life.

Friday, July 8, 2011

How to quickly find a job with God's help

1. Keep a thankful and grateful heart before God
2. Ask God to lead you to job that makes use of your skill, gifts and talents.
3. Ask God for a job. We have not because we do not ask (James 4:2)
4. Ask all of your friends, associates your aquiantances about job openings every week.Build a network that you constantly interact with on a weekly basis
5. Daily ask God to give you eyes to see or discover potential jobs where you can work
6. Ask God to help you in the application process; interview process
7. Let skill people assist you in your resume and interview preparation. Spend 15 to 30 minutes praying in the spirit before an interview, asking God to give you the right words for that particular interview. All interviews are different. Do your homework and do your prayer  work,
8. Ask God to grant your application, resume and interview favor with God. Find and pray the Word of God about the favor of God
9) Your salary is based upon the problems you are solving for your boss. Identify the problems you can correctly solve for an employer or company. You favor with your boss is directly in proportion to the problems you are solving for your boss. Why should they hire you for the position?
10) Identify, repent from anything that may be stopping the flow of divine favor in your life. "Divine favor in your life will stop because of the following issues in these passages- Hosea 4:6, Prov 1:5; Mal. 3:8-9, Romans 1:21; 1 Sam.15:9-11, 26; Dan. 5:20-21; Jer. 44:10,11; 1 John 3:17; 1 Kings 12:13-14; Num 16:32-33; Pro 17:2,25; Prov. 1:30
11) If you have not been able to find employment examine this list of scriptures. Also, where is the Lord laboring to bring brokenness in your heart before Him? Where are you resisting God?
12) If you do not have a job, then strategically looking for a job at least 5- 6 hours a day must become your job. If you are not doing this type of work five days a week. Repent for laziness. Do not depend solely on the internet for looking for employment. Work your network. Go knock on doors. Go to the employment office weekly, go to job fairs, do your research.
13) Let the words of your mouth at all times be in agreement with finding new employment. As you pray, visualize yourself working where you want. Daily confess the Word of God over your new job.
14) Dress for success when you go on an interview. Clean up your FB. Some people are not hired because of the information in their FB.
15) Recruit a team of intercessors to pray for you and your family during this time of unemploymnet
16) Deal with the real reason why you lost your job or jobs

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why some budding seer-prophets never fulfill their destiny?

1. Some never complete God's processing plan
2. Unhealed emotional wounds in a budding prophets life attracts the attachment of the Jezebel spirit
3. Mistaken gifting for God's commissioning or God's approval
4. Has not conquered the mountain of rejection, fear of rejection or self rejection in their lives. You cannot grade your own papers in this area
5. Demonic mixtures from previous  generational defilements from ancestors who participated in witchcraft, voodoo, yoga, divination, etc.

In Activate: Dreams and Visions, we are going to cover these areas in the seminar.

Why should I attend Activate: Dreams and Visions

One third of the revelation in the Bible is conveyed through dreams and visions.  Dr. David Yonggi Cho, pastor of the largest church in the world, said that dreams and visions are the language of the Holy Spirit. Often we have asked God for financial increase, but the answer came in the form of a dream or a vision. Since we did not value the dream or vision, we did not receive the answer. The answer came in a form that we did not recognize or value. The bible says in Acts 2: 17- 21, that in the last days, vision, dreams and prophetic revelation will become common among the believers.

Attend Activate: Dreams and Visions
Place: Atlanta Metropolitan Cathedral 999 Braircliff Rd. Ne 30306
Time: 5:00pm
Cost: 25.00

Monday, July 4, 2011

Activating Dreams and Visions

My name is Yul Crawford. I want to invite you to a series of seminars called " Activate".  In this first seminar, I want to facilitate your activation of the " dreams and visions" so that you can access  the divine solutions that God has for the assignment He has given you; receive revelatory insight that would aid you in being pre-eminent in your area of expertise and assist you in bringing resolve to cyclical problems that have plagued your life. This seminar will convene on July 17 @ Atlanta Metropolitan Cathedral at 5:00 pm. For more information please contact me yul.transformer12@gmail.com

Elder Yul Crawford