Friday, November 13, 2015

Implications of Apostolic Leadership in the 21st Century Part 10

Parts 1-10 can be found at

wenty-two apostles are mentioned in the Word.  Apostles are referred to eighty times in the New Testament. Also, prophets are mentioned by name four times, evangelists one time and teachers are mentioned one time in the New Testament.
Jesus Christ is the chief apostle.  The apostles who served Him are called “Apostles to the Lamb.” The apostles who preceded the Apostles of the Lamb are called post-ascension apostles.
  1. Peter Wagner categorizes apostles the following way:
  • Vertical apostles – Apostles who head up apostolic networks that are composed of churches. (Apostle Paul)
  • Horizontal apostles and convening apostles – These apostles have authority over other apostles or possess the grace to bring numerous apostles together for governmental reasons. (Apostle James – Acts 15)
  • Hyphenated apostles – These apostles function as secondary officers as well as the apostolic anointing. (Apollos, an apostle – teacher and Silas an apostle) (Acts 15:32) – prophet (Acts 18:24-25)
Barney Combs in his book, Apostles Today, categorize apostles this way:
  • Equipping Apostles (Eph.4:8,11) – They are commissioned to train, prepare and equip the saints for the works of service.
  • Local Apostles (1 Cor. 12:28) – These apostles function within local churches.
  • Ethnic Apostles (Gal.2:7-9) – These apostles are set apart to bring a particular ethnic group into the full knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter was sent to Jerusalem. Paul was sent to the Gentiles.
  • Fathering Apostles (1 Cor. 4:14-17; Titus 1:4) These apostles serve as fathers to churches and leaders. Paul was a father to the church at Corinth, as well as Timothy, Titus and others.
  • Serving Apostles (Phil. 2:22, 25; 2 Cor.8:23) – These apostles serve on apostolic teams in a subordinate position to the presiding apostle. (Titus and Timothy)

1.Do you prefer Peter Wagner or Barney Combs classification of apostles? 
2.Which type of ” Apostle ” do we see more of in North America from your vantage point? Please share your view point.

 Parts 1 through 10 can be found at