Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why so many black females who want to be married, without husbands?

Prince wrote a song called about a " House-quake". I believe we are in the midst of one. I believe the G12 vision is God's ultimate arsenal against the " Orphan Spirit" that prevails in metro Atlanta. The orphan spirit is behind 70% of black women in urban cities like Atlanta being single against their choice. 42% of black females have never been married. 45% of black males have never been married. Correction, the above percentage of 70 % Black women being single is between the ages of 20-29 by 1992,it was 32% in that age group 1970. 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. 85% of black children do not live in a home with their fathers. 17% of all black males have had prison experience. 43 % of all black children have been aborted, nearly 3x higher than for whites. Over 20 million black children have aborted, which makes the abortion among blacks greater than the 7 leading causes of death among blacks, legalized genocide. The leading factor behind all of this systemic work of the orphan spirit. Money is not the cure, the healing of the human heart, by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ is the cure. I have beheld with my own eyes the miraculous occurring in this area. Heal the hearts of males,you heal the family. Heal the family, we heal the community. Heal the community, we heal the city. The G12 vision is the template for systematic pervasive healing of the family, especially among blacks. You ask, where are the black men for marriage, The orphan spirit is occurring among all people groups, but among blacks it is decimating a race. It not G12, what's your answer?

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