Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Moving Beyond Potential Into Intentional Personal Growth Part 1

God is obligated to fulfill His Word, but He is not obligated to fulfill your potential. Some fulfillment of prophetic words are contingent on reaching our potential. Reaching your potential may involve the integration of spiritual and personal development. Just think about the gold medal winners in the Olympics, they do not rely on their gifting. They went beyond their gifting and attain their fullest potential. Some who lost in the last Olympics began their training for the next Olympics they day after they lost. Excuses are the enemy of reaching our potential. Procrastination is the theft of attaining potential. In Cor. 9: 25, the Apostle Paul said, those who strive for the mastery is temperate or practice self control in all things. In other words, if want one wants to attain mastery in your ministry, calling, or even your vocation or profession one must practice self control in all things. Its possible you have dreamed of reaching your potential for the last 5 - 30 years and you are in the same spot, doing the same thing. The greatest athletes tend to have five to seven different type of coaches. The best CEOs average between 3 to 5 different coaches in their personal life. What about you? Maybe what you need to break stagnation in your life right now, is a " Next Level Living Coach". Most coaches charge between 150.00 - 500.00 or more for each session. My cost is lower right now. If you are interested, reach out to me through messenger or text me at 404944732

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