Friday, November 30, 2012

You were made for love

Since God is love and we are made in His image, you and I were made for love. In fact, just as the Father , Son and Holy Spirit live in a eternal community of self giving love, we are made for relationship. The boundaries that guarantee the greatest fulfillment in relationships are found in the word of God. Satan loves to take something that is God given and pervert it. The rejection-triad seeds our hearts and mind with satanic propaganda that causes us to reject ourselves. If you reject yourself, you cannot fully  accept others into your heart unless they exist to medicate the pre-existing pain in your heart from prior relationships. Rejection can makes us intensely focused on ourselves. We begin to believe that the relationship primarily exist to meet our needs. When the other person can no longer gives us our " emotional fix" because what met the need yesterday, cannot meet the need today we either look for someone else  to supply the "emotional fix" or use fear and manipulation to make the other person give us what we want. We are best when we give. In fact, a man and woman in marriage are at they best when they focus on being givers. If my heart is wounded, the tendency is to give to get my " emotional fix". This does not bring fulfillment to other person.  Feel free to ask questions about  the rejection- triad. There are ways to get free from this emotional mayhem without disconnecting yourself from your marriage. If there is violence or physical abuse immediately get professional assistance. A renowned man of God said, If I change, everything  change. Sometimes when we  see our wrong without attaching its existence to our mates action  and change without requiring our mate to change it provides an environment that positions the marriage for revitalization. We can only see our sin the right way when we see our sin against God. This prevents us from basing our repentance on our mates repentance. We are living a season where God wants to heal relationships.  If there is violence or physical abuse get immediate help from a professional. What questions or remarks do you have? 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

For marriage: Possible symptoms that one needs ministry regarding rejection, self rejection and fear of rejection

Possible symptoms that one needs to be set free from the fear of rejection and self rejection:

  1. A tendency to think that any constructive criticism or simple complaints as rejection. These are not meant to be personal attacks. If no one can share their heart regarding what's bothering them, one's marriage can grow. A healthy can person can distinguish between  who they are from their personal opinions or bias. 
  2. The more you ignore your mate's complaints or criticism  because you perceive them to be rejection of you, you will certainly provoke personal verbal / emotional attacks from them towards you. If you one never deals with the rejection, nothing will ever be solved in the marriage. This will produce hopelessness. 
  3. We resent criticism or compliants because we perceive them to be rejection of us. Such thinking causes one to focus upon themselves to the extent that they cannot see anything from their spouse's perception. 
  4. Accepting emotional abuse, physical abuse, or neglect as the norm in your marriage
  5. Feeling like your spouse does not like the real you, which keeps you from being the real you
  6. Constantly thinking your spouse sees you as stupid, ugly, dumb, etc 
  7. Feeling like you are going to lose your spouse to someone else because of your inadequacies or imperfections. 
  9. Needing his or her agreement with all of  your opinions, values and perspectives to feel good about yourself
  10. Feel betrayed when they don't embrace your point of view on all things
  11. Unable to say your wrong without your mate saying they are wrong, not willing to be accountable for one's wrong doing
  12. Have an expectation in your heart to be rejected by your mate and others 
  13. Unable to see it from your mates perspectives 
  14. Communicates in your marriage from a defensive posture 

Freedom From Rejection as a marriage partner- What to do after you have been delivered from the spirit of rejection as a Spouse

I have been involved in deliverance ministry for many years. I have seen the devastation that the spirit of rejection can bring to a marriage or family. Deliverance ministry is not the only ministry needed to be free from self rejection, fear of rejection and the rejection of others. In order to experience lasting freedom from deliverance one must first of all do the following:

  1. Repent of the sins that one has released in the marriage from rejection
  2. Once delivered do not make it your mission to point it out in your mate 
  3. Rejection distorts communication and perception in a spouse's heart towards their mate-therefore one must allow the Holy Spirit to work on the plank their own eye.  You cannot safely remove the splinter from your mate's eyes when there is a plank in our own eye. You may see the splinter but you lack the skill to remove the splinter
  4. Daily saturate your heart and mind with the blood of Jesus. Jesus was the most rejected man whoever lived. Apply the blood from His heart( wound from his side) to the seeds of rejection in your heart, the blood from His face ( upon your self esteem), the blood from His skin for the removal of self will from your heart in your relationship with your spouse, the blood from His crown for the removal of all word curses from your mouth  and the mouth of others against your mate and marriage, the blood from His feet to soften your heart so that you can be discipled and coached by others in the repair of your marriage , the blood from his hands to activate productive actions that revive your marriage and the blood from His back to heal your marriage. Remember Rev. 12:11 says they overcame the enemy by the blood of Jesus .
  5. Take every thought of self rejection and the fear of rejection to the cross of Jesus Christ
  6. In your daily devotion, simply receive a fresh outpouring of the " Father's love " upon your own heart. Once deliverance takes place, your heart must be filled to overflowing with the knowledge of the Father's love. This realm of revelation will cause you to see your mate with new eyes
  7. Daily carry all wounds to Christ. I apply the " Blood of Jesus " to my heart when it becomes confused through offenses. There are times we are offended because our perceptions are wrong. If you are honest and willing the Holy Spirit will help you
  8. Do you not base your obedience to God in your marriage on your mate's obedience to God. If you base your obedience to God in your marriage regarding how you treat your mate on your mate  changing, your obedience becomes manipulative. ( Jezebel Spirit) 
  9. Daily speak confessions regarding who your in Christ over your life 
  10. Shower your mate with love, with positive words, etc 

Friday, November 9, 2012

2013 Prophetic Word

Prophetic Word: Sustained corporate prayer and morning prayer devotions are keys for breakthrough in this season and onward as we enter 2013. As the momentum of corporate prayer grow in local churches, local churches of various denomination that are devoted to Jesus Christ will come together for seasons of corporate prayer. Ongoing corporate prayer is the gate to revival and increased levels of th
e manifestation of the glory of God. The aroma of holiness and the lifestyle of sanctification shall prevail by the working of the grace of God from within in our hearts. it will be said, the grace of God works powerfully within my people. Corporate prayer will be used in 2013 to stop the course of pending weather disasters, earthquakes, war and terrorist attacks. Covenant breaking in Atl and others areas of the US among churches and leaders has resulted in massive financial insufficiency, family division and the lack of anointing to produce miracles. As the blood of Jesus is applied and repentance occurs among severed joints of relationships within churches, among churches and among apostolic and prophetic gifts, open heavens shall manifest in the middle of schools, companies, colleges and universities. Corporate prayer will be used by the Lord to heal the breeches created by covenant breaking and the spirit of death shall be restrained from its increased activity. Let corporate prayer begin in every local church. Let all believers arise in the early hours to pray and seek the face of the Father. Seek the Lord with all of your heart and He will be found of you. The harvest angels are present working  among the harvesters to bring in the harvest. I was not planning to write this, but it began to flow, so forgive me for grammar errors. Every church will be known as the house of prayer, the gate of heaven where the angels of God ascend and descending releasing mighty miracles in the house of God. Atlanta get ready for a big embrace from the Holy Spirit. He is looking upon Atlanta and is about to bring forth men and women of God who have been pruned for the last seven to 12 years. Fruitfulness shall prevail for another 20 years. Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice for the seasons are changing and in 2013 revival shall break forth in key locations, even in November and December of this year.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Help me understand?

Jesus said, As the Father sent me into the World so do I sent you into the world.(John 17:18) Jesus said He came to seek and save the lost. (Luke 19:10) Why isn't the " Church (Body of Christ) in Metro Atlanta Georgia, not focus on equipping every believer to win the lost? What's more important in the church than winning souls? The fuel of apostolic ministry is raising up leaders from the harvest
. If no souls are won, there's no one to equip.The building blocks for reformation are new creation believers. The proliferation of the Church into the seven mountains and possessing the seven mountains, not only involves placing competent believers on these mountains, but also planting believers on these mountains who win others on these mountains to Christ. Why do we as believers resistant doing the very thing Jesus told us to do. ( John 17:18; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28: 18-22; Luke 19: 19; Luke 15) As a man of God, I tell you main headliner in the coming move of God is evangelism. Christ Jesus weeps over the lost in Atlanta, Georgia, and the world. The proof of desire is pursuit. If we are not pursing the lost, then our desire for the lost is merely a whim or wish. Atlanta needs a Holy Spirit invasion of signs and wonders to extract the lost from the religious structures that do not believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and literally risen from the dead bodily. I believe the Holy Spirit wants to authenticate the veracity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ through signs, wonders and miracles. Its time for the gospel of the kingdom of God to go VIRAL. Why do we resist dong the work of evangelism? if heaven rejoices over one soul being saved, why doesn't evangelism in the Atlanta have the same level of priority and value? What is more important than souls? If God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son?  ( John 3:16) If  The Father would send His Son to save us through His death and resurrection, are we willing to be sent by the Lord to win our neighbors, love ones, co- employees,etc to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I know people who have left the church because they did not love what Christ loved enough to give a portion of their time to win the Lost. Many of us are going to stand before the judgement seat of God and He will play the scenes where you and I resisted the Great Commission, where you and I may have criticized leaders who were devoted to winning souls and making disciples...... Why the do we neglect sharing with others this great salvation?  What gaps in my understanding or lack of revelation in the word of God am I missing,that justifies believers not winning souls and making disciples? Somebody help Me

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Agreement in Marriage- The key to everything you want in life

When husbands and wives come into true agreement regarding their finances, children, goals, major purchases, how to handle present problem and decision in accordance to the Word of God, your prayers in these areas will be answered in a way that will blow your mind. Where there is strife and self ambition there is every evil work James 3:16. If hell consistently breaking out in your household, check out the agreement between yourselves as husband and wives and check out if the decisions are biblically based. There is no agreement without respect to divine order in your marriage. Remember the best decisions are when we both agree; however, when a decision has to be made and we are not seeing eye to eye, the wife should follow her husband along as he is not asking her to commit a crime, sin or do something that  is morally wrong. Personally speaking, I prefer agreement between Jane and I, but when I have to make the decision, I normally have prayed about it, gotten counsel from reliable sources and researched it adequately. As a husband i want the best for my family, its not about me, its about us.  On the flip side there are husbands who never consult their wives or act like their wives are incompetent. I remember the day the Lord told me that I was only living by 50% of my wisdom and that I was being robbed , not recognizing that Jane possessed the other 50 % of my wisdom to make an adequate decision. Over the years, my wife has proven to be my greatest asset. Moreover a stupid wife ( proverbs 12:1) is a wife who motivates or manipulate her husband into making a decision against the direction that He has received from God, THAT SHE KNOWS IS RIGHT AND FROM GOD. SOME WOMEN INSIST ON BEING IN CONTROL BECAUSE SHE GOVERNED BY FEAR. SHE CONTROL SO THAT SHE CAN DETERMINE THE OUTCOME.  A WISE WOMAN USES HER GIFT OF INFLUENCE TO MOTIVATE HER HUSBAND TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND TO FOLLOW GOD. THE REASON WHY I AM SO VEHEMENT ABOUT THIS STATEMENT BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN WIVES MOTIVATE THEIR HUSBANDS TO LEAVE A CHURCH WHERE THEIR HUSBANDS WERE GROWING IN CHRIST BECAUSE OF HER OFFENSES WITH A PERSON(S) AT THE CHURCH, THEN THE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY BEGIN TO PLUNGE INTO HELL BECAUSE SHE PRESAUDED HIM TO MOVE AGANIST WHAT HE KNEW WAS THE WILL OF GOD. LADIES MEN NEED GOOD GODLY ACCOUNTABILITY, IF HE HAS IT DON'T MESS IT UP. NOW BROTHERS IF YOU ARE CONSTANTLY MAKING BAD DECISIONS, THEN YOU HAVE LOST CREDIBILITY WITH YOUR WIFE. TO GET IT BACK: REPENT TO GOD AND YOUR WIFE, GET BACK INTO THE HOUSE OF GOD, ASK HER ADVICE, GET GOOD GODLY ADVICE AND JOIN A CONNECTION GROUP WHERE BROTHERS ARE WAKING WITH GOD. ACCORDING TO PSALMS 133 AGREEMENT IS THE GODS PLACE OF POWER. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Journey of a Dream

Journey of a Dream.God planted me , sent me and equipped me for transformational revival.  Years ago the Lord planted a dream in my heart for transformational revival. I know we need reformation, but that cannot happen until the church is revived. Around 1975, Gorman Memorial in Orlando, starting praying and fasting intensely. A visiting evangelist came to Orlando for one reason, but God used him as a catalyst to spark revival. I saw Gorman triple or quadruple it size in to 2months. Although there were problems, God did visited the church. It was during this time that God placed a hunger in me for signs and wonders, church planting and revival. The Lord began to give me dreams about past men of God and their mantle falling upon young people. I began to have dreams about  the Apostle Paul. Many of these I never spoke about. During the time of the revival at Gorman God used me at Florida Manor Nursing Home kitchen to lead many to Christ through signs and wonders. I was only 18 or 19. The movement grow so large we filled the employees cafeteria. I was asked to take it someone else. We started meeting in homes, So many attended the bible study, the thought never entered my mind to start a church. Thank God I didn't. When I arrived back to Morehouse college for my sophomore  year I had a mighty visionary encounter with God which involved the Lord dethroning the prince over that area. When i stepped out of my room after that experience. People immediately received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they prayed to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. We met in Dansfort chapel every Friday night for all night prayer. We saw over 600 students impacted directed by this movement. Some major pastors in this city today was set afire during that visitation of the Holy Spirit. Many of these students are  professionals on the 7M, some are pastoring churches or leading   apostolic networks. At the pinnacle  of this revival, I gave what was not mine to give- the leadership of this movement to others who were much older than me. The biggest mistake of my life. I left Atlanta discouraged with my mind made up to never return. God spoke to me audibly to return after being gone for about six months. There were so many confirmations about me returning, even miraculous provision and on demand reinstatement and registration  back to Morehouse College. I had not filed for financial aid, but they gave it on the spot. I sit back wondering now, why was there so many maneuvers by God to get me back to Atlanta. With the leadership of Bishop Johnson we reinstated the campus outreach. It flourished, but not with revival proportions, but the fruit was great from the campuses. I spoke about the journey of dream in the inception of this note, I realize more than anything, that there has been a dream in my heart for Atlanta and the Southeastern US to experience transformational revival. This dream is greater than the manifestation of prophetic ministry, signs and wonders, etc. Now More than thirty years later, I am left with questions, why hasn't happen yet? Will it occur? Will it occur in my life time? Will our children be the instruments God use to bring this forth?  Where has the fiery passion  that was so much a part of my personality gone? I realized this week that I have not been myself for awhile, but I will not give into claws and tentacles discouragement. Just recently I shared with Bishop Johnson while I was praying about Atlanta, the Lord gave my a picture of a supersize dynamo sitting over Atlanta. I was wanted turbines of power to run , but they would not run. I was so undone because this powerful dynamo was sitting over Atlanta, but it would not run. Then the Lord began to tell me the reason why there has not been a move of God in Atlanta in the proportions that He wants to released1) Many leaders are being graciously transitioned off the scene because they were so caught in building their own kingdom or making a name for themselves with not concern  for His purpose. 2) There were leaders are being prepared to be launched from Adullums cave- no names 3) There were many wounded leaders whose hearts need to be healed- it was his grace and mercy to not bring them forth until their hearts were healed. A wounded heart draws the attack of the enemy. 4) Many leaders not majoring on what He is majoring on. He wants us to get on His page  5) Many are holding on to wineskins that can not hold the new wine that He wants to pour out upon Atlanta and other areas. The old wineskins are set to war against the new wineskins. 6) We have not stood for the injustices in our city regarding youth, family and marriage. 7) Covenent breaking 8) THE CHURCH IN ATLANTA WILL NOT PRAY NIGHT AND DAY LUKE 18. WE HAVE PRAYED FOR THINGS NOT ON HIS AGENDA. THE KEYS TO TURNING THE DYNAMOS OF POWER AND HIS GLORY OVER ATLANTA. THE CHURCH MUST MOBOLIZE ITSELF WITH RIGHT MOTIVES TO PRAY AND INTERCEDE: HOLINESS AND SANCTIFICATION, COMPASSION FOR THE LOST, SOUL WINNING, REMOVAL OF LETHARGY, RELEASE OF THE BAPTISM OF HOLY SPIRIT FIRE, MANIFESTATION OF SIGNS AND WONDERS. NEW LEVEL OF GLORY MANIFESTATIONS IN OUR LOCAL CHURCHES. We must hate religion the way Jesus hated it ( Matthew 23) The Lord spoke to me that they enemy is attempting to set of His government  in Atlanta through three religions and 3 organizations.  The mission of the church of Atlanta , if we will accept it, is to become conduits of the mighty power of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders. Many who are going after false Christ, false religions and evil organizations will come to Christ once signs and wonders are released in our homes, jobs, eateries, etc. The message of repentance, the Cross of Jesus Christ and the power of the blood of Jesus will be key messages. Colleges and universities are going to fill the stadiums and streets because of revival. Now after saying this, I have come to a place in my life where I truly want what God wants in his timing. But i thirst and hunger for transformational revival. We must have it. I would be content just to pray for it. The prayer movement missed it because we worshipped prayer and were not devoted to His purpose and plan for the land. As Alistair Petrie said, we must face our Ninevah. Many leaders are have been like Jonah going in the opposite direction of God's purpose and plan. The raging storm of warfare will cease, when we begin to worship God with thanksgiving and submit to His plans and will. I did not attend to say all of this. Heaven has assembled itself over the southeastern portion of the US to bring one of the greatest revival the world has ever seen, the Lord is waiting our cooperation. Will it be through us or our children? I was born for this.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Motherhood - The Eight Wonder of the World

Jennifer, this morning while I was writing on your FB page these thoughts begin to flow in my mind about motherhood. I believe its a tribute to all mothers everywhere. Although there are only seven wonders of the world, I believe mothers are the eight wonder of the world. When I watch Jane care for our children and carry other responsibilities, stay up into the dawn to get things completed for the Walter, Dean and Gabrielle, it blows my mind. The divine drive seeded in the heart of mother by God is an uncommon reality that transcends all barriers of limitation. I have seen mothers become whatever they had to become to take care of the their families, when fathers were absent. I have seen single mothers work around the clock, do homework, go pick up their children from school activities, prepare supper, get the children to bed only to gladly do the same thing day after day after day until her children are grown. I have seen single mothers maintain a home, with an automobile and raise three to four children without government assistance ; while some grown a ___ men are not able to take care of themselves. I watch the hearts of mothers leap with their children accomplishments; I have seen mothers carry deep sadness in their hearts from relational wounds, but never miss one day or one moment caring and loving their children. I have seen mothers who could not pay for medical assistance for their children, but stay all night praying until the fever broke. I remember on one occasion, I watched my mother get on the bus to go to work, It was cold outside. I asked her where was her coat because we all had coats on: she smiled and said this scarf was her coat. I looked with awe inspiring astonishment as I saw minister Tee drop everything to be at the side of her adult child while she healed from surgery. I saw her eyes become misty; not from worry, but from the love she had for her daughter. The joy I saw leap off the FB page as Jennifer praised her daughter for graduating is a template of a mother's heart for a child. Recently tears streamed from my eyes for moment as I watched " Criminal Minds" where it portrayed a mother willing to be executed for a crime she did not commit so that her son would have a life that was not tarnish with the evil of his father blew me away. Although it was fiction; I know many mothers would have done the same thing. The love of a mother, the divine seed of unselfish-self giving love; the uncommon unrelenting desire to protect her children; the grace to always see the good in her children are the energies that engulf the spirit of a mother. Yet, all this streams from the heart of our Lord, yet it is the 8th wonder of the world,

From the pen of a ready writer

Monday, May 14, 2012

Realities of marriage

Realities of marriage:
1. Unrealistic expectations always lead to disappointment
2. You cannot change your spouse
3. Our marriages are lived out in a fallen world
4. As a husband or wife, we still sin
5. You are married to a spouse who sins
6. God uses our spouses to work in areas of our hearts that we have run from
7. All unresolved issues with our parents comes to the surface in marriage
8. Good times in marriage always outweighs  to the times of adjustment
 9. The grass is not greener on the outside
10. God gave you his best, when He gave you your spouse.
11. If you are more focused on getting your needs in marriage than you are on meeting your spouses needs, your neediness will poison  the marriage and keep it an unhappy state
12. You cannot go to war on everything; you have to chose what you are going to " fight about"
13. You must have agreed upon rules for resolving conflict before conflict occurs - Bishop Johnson
14. The lack of organizational order in a marriage leads to constant distress in the marriage - Bishop Johnson
15. Communication is the life blood of all marriages. When communication stops abnormality sets in - Bishop Johnson
16.If a married couple has not practiced sexual intimacy in 10 days, its a sign they need to get proper marital coaching.
17. Your spouse always come before your parents
18, Your spouse always come before your children
19. Husbands, be the example of the love you want your wife to love you with.
20 Your obedience to God in treating your spouse right is never contingent on your spouse doing the right thing.
21. Forgiveness is the atmosphere of a good marriage.
22. If you worship your rightness or if it is more important for you to be right than to be in agreement, you rob yourself  of true happiness
23. The fear of rejection, self- rejection , rejection of others and perceived  rejections, will make you hear things your mate is not saying.
24. Since the moon is the glory of the sun and the wife is the glory of the man, the radiance, the general attitude and level of joy of your wife is the true barometer of the husbands spirituality, not his anointing. - Bishop Johnson
25.. God's strength is perfected in our weakness. God promises that we can come to the throne of Grace in the time of need in our marriages. If your resist pride and really go to God, He will help you keep your marriage. Encounter retreat can help you, help your marriage.

What are your thoughts about these?

I could not sleep, so i started to write these thoughts

Satan did not show up when God created Adam. He showed  up when God created Eve, because the potential of multiplying image bearers of God ( mankind) was manifested when God created woman ( man with a womb). G12 is an operating system that poses that same threat to the enemy, because it does not stop with leading a person to Christ, it provides an elaborate equipping track that transitions a believer from new birth to becoming a leader of disciples, who become leaders of leaders. The statistical permutations of the G12 vision could well lead to the salvation of all mankind. This is why there is such a spiritual battle in the USA regarding the G12 vision in North America. Satan hates it because it permanently interrupts his plan to destroy the family system in America. The G12 matrix does not allow us to substitute  the work of the church( Great Commission) with church work. The church in America is not lazy, we are distracted by our worship of " self fulfillment and the pursuit of comfort at all cost." What other mission should we have than the mission Christ Himself gave the church before His accession. The mission has not change, but the methodology  changes to make it relevant to the needs of the prevailing generation is constantly evolving. Changing the world begins with changing ourselves. Changing ourselves begins with us allowing ourselves to be discipled, thus igniting endless multiplication of disciples of Jesus Christ . Discipleship erases the separation of proclaiming the message from living the message. Fulfilling the Great Commission leaves no room for confusion between going to church and being the church. Being the " ekkelesia' in a region gives the church positional authority  to police the heavens with intercession and the seeding of the atmosphere with the blood of Jesus, thus producing a revival- reformation that robs the strongman of the souls he holds in his stronghold. The mantle of zeal is falling upon the church in this hour. The restlessness of the millennials with church as usual is happening because of the mantle of zeal being released upon the church. Millennials hate going to church, but they love being the church. Declare the mission of the church and watch a move of God's Spirit sweep through the USA.  I did not start out with writing so much in mind, I should be sleep, but I could not sleep. I want to see terrain  of Atlanta transformed by the glory of God.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Best Book on Pastoring in the 21at Century

" Consolidate through the G12 vision" is perhaps the most comprehensive, yet practical book on pastoring that has been written in this century. in my life time I have probably read 6000 books and publications. I've read most books on pastoring that are on the market and this book provides simple methodology for the common believer to transition a new born christian from being a consumer Christian to be a producer. This mentality is the seed of true apostolic ministry. True apostolic ministry is focused on equipping believers to do the work of the ministry. Perhaps the greatest equipping endeavor is raising up leaders from the harvest. As a leader, what is breaking your focus from Christ focus, " the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The mandates of the Great Commission is the plumb line that we must use to evaluate all that we do in our churches. Presently there is a malaise covering many churches in North America. I believe there major changes coming to the body of Christ in North America to make the Body of Christ more productive in the next six months. There must be a wineskin that can hold the new wine that is about to be released in North America. The Holy Spirit is looking for churches that can assimilate hundreds of new believers rapidly and train them to disciple others. Most of the new believers in the coming move of God will be children, middle schoolers, high school students and the twenty somethings. Is your wineskin ready to receive the harvest? Are are your people trained to the hold the harvest? If you want to learn more about this, attend our G12 Conference on June 14-17. Checkout our website:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Things Nobody does to Share Christ Love - that prepares the soil of others hearts for evangelism.

  1. Roll down your car window and great road/ construction workers 
  2. Go through  drive through and give the person a tip. 
  3. Speak to a maid, janitor or custodian, and thank them for the work they are doing
  4. Talk to people on the elevator
  5. Invite the grocery store clerk to church 
  6. After giving a great tip ( 20% or more) ask your waiter one thing they need God to do for them and pray for them. 
  7. Thank a police officer who is working at a roadside situation 
  8. Be a witness to the person on the other end of the phone who gets a wrong number 
  9. Say something meaningful while waiting for the walk sign at an intersection 
  10. Ask neighbors to gather with you on forth of July to pray for our nation, our freedom, etc 
  11. Take Christmas cards to your neighbors. 
  12. Give gifts to neighbors/ co-workers  on special occasions birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, graduations, etc 
  13. Walk with a friend, spouse and prayerfully bless your neighbors house for 21 days- after that many times favor will fall upon you with your neighbors or a wonderful witness will take place to share Christ. 
  14. Pray for you neighbors daily
  15. Maybe you can think of others ways to convey Christ love to others, share with us: 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why so many black females who want to be married, without husbands?

Prince wrote a song called about a " House-quake". I believe we are in the midst of one. I believe the G12 vision is God's ultimate arsenal against the " Orphan Spirit" that prevails in metro Atlanta. The orphan spirit is behind 70% of black women in urban cities like Atlanta being single against their choice. 42% of black females have never been married. 45% of black males have never been married. Correction, the above percentage of 70 % Black women being single is between the ages of 20-29 by 1992,it was 32% in that age group 1970. 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. 85% of black children do not live in a home with their fathers. 17% of all black males have had prison experience. 43 % of all black children have been aborted, nearly 3x higher than for whites. Over 20 million black children have aborted, which makes the abortion among blacks greater than the 7 leading causes of death among blacks, legalized genocide. The leading factor behind all of this systemic work of the orphan spirit. Money is not the cure, the healing of the human heart, by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ is the cure. I have beheld with my own eyes the miraculous occurring in this area. Heal the hearts of males,you heal the family. Heal the family, we heal the community. Heal the community, we heal the city. The G12 vision is the template for systematic pervasive healing of the family, especially among blacks. You ask, where are the black men for marriage, The orphan spirit is occurring among all people groups, but among blacks it is decimating a race. It not G12, what's your answer?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why aren't things moving forward in your life?

Most of the time, we crave for change, but we do little to make it happen. As believers, we think that prayer by itself  is going to produce the change. Obedience to the Holy Spirit's voice during prayer is the catalyst to change in our personal lives. Tolstoy said, " Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves. Pastor Castellenos coined a phrase that changed my life, " If I change, everything changes. If you change in your marriage, everything will change.If you change at work or in your family, everything does change.  If we don't  change we will not grow. if we do not grow, everything remains the same or get worse. Change is a constant in life. Change is inevitable. The question is are you and I changing in a way that draws us closer to God and His Word or further from God and His Word. Yes, change is a constant, but growth is optional. Growth is a choice. Growth begins with the seed of decision and is watered with  focused intentional  calculated action. Personal growth is never an accident. What are you doing at this stage of your life to grow? Are going back ? Or, are you going forward? Since sustained personal transformation is powered by accountability. Who is your coach? Who has Coach Holy Spirit directed to be your earthly coach in your quest for personal growth ? Last life maxim, You and I can not grow positively by ourselves. "That's WORD"

Will You Be Remembered?

As one gets older, we tend to live life more purposefully. Every man will be remembered for his passion or forgotten for his lack of passion.  Its never too late to devote you heart to the passion God carved into your heart when you were in your mother's womb. Often, I am baffled by this question when people ask it, especially if they are beyond, the age 30. What is the will of God for my life?  Your passion is the guiding light  to your purpose. Passion precedes vision, not flow from vision. Your passion is the one thing you can do better than most people. Your passion will be the one thing that you possess a high aptitude in without formal training. Your passion is the one thing you tend to collect information about. Your passion is the one thing you get upset about when someone abuses or misuses it. Your passion is the one thing you do that's easy for creativity  to flourish in your heart. Your passion is the one thing that brings a smile to your face or causes your heart to flutter with excitement when you muse about it. Your close friends will know your passion when you don't know it because we naturally live our passion. However, bitterness, relational trauma,  a wounded heart or even the lack of self-forgivness can stifle the waters of creativity that flows from the center of your passion. You can awaken your passion. You can rediscover your passion.  You can jumpstart the flow of creativity. Let me know if you want to know how.... If you risk nothing, your risk everything

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Emotional Intelligence ( EI)

Self Awareness is the first rung on the ladder of EI. People who have a high degree of self awareness are aware how their feelings themselves, other people, the organization and their job performance. The decisions of self-aware people coincides  with their values, therefore they will more than likely find their work energizing. People who are highly developed in their self-awareness, finds it easy to talk about their limitations and strengths. In fact, people who are highly developed in self-awareness are fully aware of their blindspots in relational dynamics with other people. On a scale to 1 to 10 and 10 being superior, what is your level of self awareness

Organizational Science

What is the difference between transition and change?

Mega Churches

In 1963 there were only 9 churches over 1,000 people. In 2006, there are well over 6,000 churches over 1000 people; 1200 churches over 2000; 750 churches; 25 churches over 10,000 and 8 churches over 20,000. Today in 2012, there are close to 5 million people in Metro Atlanta and about 75 churches over 1,000 people.

What do you believe are the reasons for the difference in the number of mega-churches in 1963 and the number of mega-churches in the United States in 2006?

The Glory of God in your region

The measure of God's glory in your region is based on the " the House of Prayer in your territory. (Isa. 11:9; 2 Chr.7:14; Jer. 29:7; Act 17:26; Eze 22:30-31)

House of prayer

The Lord spoke to a senior pastor," If your church is not a house of prayer, its not my house" ( Isa.56:7; Matt. 16:18-19; John 2:17)

Prayers that God will always answer

  1. Lord, lead me to a person who is ready to hear the gospel ( Acts 8:26-49)
  2. Lord lead me to a person that is hurting so that I can pray for them. 
  3. Lord bless the hurting person  that I pray for. 
  4. Lord open my eyes to the divine appointments you are giving to me to share Christ, 
  5. Lord grant me an opportunity with the people I see at work, in my neighborhood, while I shop, etc to  have a conversation about the goodness of God 
  6. Lord when you open the door grant me boldness, courage to share Christ with clarity and simplicity in the power of the Holy Spirit ( Eph.6:18) 
  7. Lord give me a word of knowledge or a prophetic word for people that I run into today 
  8. Lord grant me ways to follow up the people I've prayed with or shared Christ with this week. 
  9. Grant me compassion and your heartbeat for people who are lost  or backslid deb
  10. Release your intercessory burdens in my heart for the lost, wondering and backslidden people who are in my sphere of influence