Monday, May 14, 2012

Realities of marriage

Realities of marriage:
1. Unrealistic expectations always lead to disappointment
2. You cannot change your spouse
3. Our marriages are lived out in a fallen world
4. As a husband or wife, we still sin
5. You are married to a spouse who sins
6. God uses our spouses to work in areas of our hearts that we have run from
7. All unresolved issues with our parents comes to the surface in marriage
8. Good times in marriage always outweighs  to the times of adjustment
 9. The grass is not greener on the outside
10. God gave you his best, when He gave you your spouse.
11. If you are more focused on getting your needs in marriage than you are on meeting your spouses needs, your neediness will poison  the marriage and keep it an unhappy state
12. You cannot go to war on everything; you have to chose what you are going to " fight about"
13. You must have agreed upon rules for resolving conflict before conflict occurs - Bishop Johnson
14. The lack of organizational order in a marriage leads to constant distress in the marriage - Bishop Johnson
15. Communication is the life blood of all marriages. When communication stops abnormality sets in - Bishop Johnson
16.If a married couple has not practiced sexual intimacy in 10 days, its a sign they need to get proper marital coaching.
17. Your spouse always come before your parents
18, Your spouse always come before your children
19. Husbands, be the example of the love you want your wife to love you with.
20 Your obedience to God in treating your spouse right is never contingent on your spouse doing the right thing.
21. Forgiveness is the atmosphere of a good marriage.
22. If you worship your rightness or if it is more important for you to be right than to be in agreement, you rob yourself  of true happiness
23. The fear of rejection, self- rejection , rejection of others and perceived  rejections, will make you hear things your mate is not saying.
24. Since the moon is the glory of the sun and the wife is the glory of the man, the radiance, the general attitude and level of joy of your wife is the true barometer of the husbands spirituality, not his anointing. - Bishop Johnson
25.. God's strength is perfected in our weakness. God promises that we can come to the throne of Grace in the time of need in our marriages. If your resist pride and really go to God, He will help you keep your marriage. Encounter retreat can help you, help your marriage.

What are your thoughts about these?

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