e manifestation of the glory of God. The aroma of holiness and the lifestyle of sanctification shall prevail by the working of the grace of God from within in our hearts. it will be said, the grace of God works powerfully within my people. Corporate prayer will be used in 2013 to stop the course of pending weather disasters, earthquakes, war and terrorist attacks. Covenant breaking in Atl and others areas of the US among churches and leaders has resulted in massive financial insufficiency, family division and the lack of anointing to produce miracles. As the blood of Jesus is applied and repentance occurs among severed joints of relationships within churches, among churches and among apostolic and prophetic gifts, open heavens shall manifest in the middle of schools, companies, colleges and universities. Corporate prayer will be used by the Lord to heal the breeches created by covenant breaking and the spirit of death shall be restrained from its increased activity. Let corporate prayer begin in every local church. Let all believers arise in the early hours to pray and seek the face of the Father. Seek the Lord with all of your heart and He will be found of you. The harvest angels are present working among the harvesters to bring in the harvest. I was not planning to write this, but it began to flow, so forgive me for grammar errors. Every church will be known as the house of prayer, the gate of heaven where the angels of God ascend and descending releasing mighty miracles in the house of God. Atlanta get ready for a big embrace from the Holy Spirit. He is looking upon Atlanta and is about to bring forth men and women of God who have been pruned for the last seven to 12 years. Fruitfulness shall prevail for another 20 years. Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice for the seasons are changing and in 2013 revival shall break forth in key locations, even in November and December of this year.
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