Monday, September 2, 2013

Prophetic insight regarding our nation 30-40 years from now

I heard the Lord say, your nation is very young and many changes are being orchestrated beneath the surface, hidden from the eyes of most people While praying, I saw a time in our future where division will be so great in our government that I saw our nation being divided into the three nations. In fact, the seeds for the this level of national division are incubating. Some will see this division as a move for economic recovery, but something sinister is at work. Then I heard the Lord say, that if the church in America begin to seriously intercede for this nation according to His word, there will be divine intervention will either delay or abort the strategic division of our nation.  Intercession by the church in many localities  has been fractured because of party-line allegiance being stronger that allegiance to God's vision for His kingdom in the United States. I saw several natural disasters that will move the church in America to pray : flooding, quakes, new fault lines rumbling, solar problems plaguing communications, even threats of higher than ususal tides from the ocean, wild animals attacks in " city zones,  etc. Somethings for our nation are being held in the balance ,but if the church would rise and pray according to the world of God, what the enemy has planned will turned around.  There are plenty positive things on the up rise for America, but the church must gather in this season to birth a move of God that will  release an unprecedented power evangelistic revival in more than 15 locations  that will fill auditoriums and possibly stadiums  and a new level of  holiness that will transform  the face of America. The winds will blow mightily in the coming months naturally, but the wind of the Holy Spirit will be felt in area where the church is praying corporately. A renewing of territorial spiritual warfare  by the church in certain areas under the auspices of the Holy Spirit will begin to stir in the fall months throughout 2014.  There is a blessing in reading the book of Acts at least 7 times in this season.

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