Thursday, April 5, 2012

Things Nobody does to Share Christ Love - that prepares the soil of others hearts for evangelism.

  1. Roll down your car window and great road/ construction workers 
  2. Go through  drive through and give the person a tip. 
  3. Speak to a maid, janitor or custodian, and thank them for the work they are doing
  4. Talk to people on the elevator
  5. Invite the grocery store clerk to church 
  6. After giving a great tip ( 20% or more) ask your waiter one thing they need God to do for them and pray for them. 
  7. Thank a police officer who is working at a roadside situation 
  8. Be a witness to the person on the other end of the phone who gets a wrong number 
  9. Say something meaningful while waiting for the walk sign at an intersection 
  10. Ask neighbors to gather with you on forth of July to pray for our nation, our freedom, etc 
  11. Take Christmas cards to your neighbors. 
  12. Give gifts to neighbors/ co-workers  on special occasions birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, graduations, etc 
  13. Walk with a friend, spouse and prayerfully bless your neighbors house for 21 days- after that many times favor will fall upon you with your neighbors or a wonderful witness will take place to share Christ. 
  14. Pray for you neighbors daily
  15. Maybe you can think of others ways to convey Christ love to others, share with us: